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Our social media evangelism had an incredible impact. We thank God for the opportunity this program provided for individuals to give their lives to Christ. For more details and to find our daily posts from the social media evangelism week
United Pentecostal Church International (UPCI) Partners with New Life Research Foundation (NELIREF) for Enhanced North American & Global Missions
On March 4, 2023, the UPCI Multicultural RAIN Ministry’s website was launched. This website was fully paid for and will be maintained by the UPCI International headquarters. This partnership was initiated at the UPCI General Conference in Orlando, Florida - United States. The Multicultural Ministry UPCI led by Rev. Brocc Chavis is housing this global move of God to use every of our God endowed giftings to reach every tribe and race with the Gospel of Jesus Christ in North America and the whole world.
New Life Research Foundation Co-heirs in Revival Labors in the Nations
The vision of New Life Research Foundation is to serve as a platform where God can initiate and mobilize His arrows in and into different nations for revival through academics, research and scholarships (Jeremiah 1:1-19; 51:20-23). You mean a lot to us. One of our core aims/objectives include soul-winning, follow-up, discipleship, discovering/entering & fulfilling God’s-given purpose in the nations (when, where and how). Over the past years, God has been using this platform to mobilize His children into the nations for revival thereby answering the question of the ‘when and where’ and He is still in the business of mobilizing our members into different nations as student missionaries. God has been faithful to us over the years by answering the question of the ‘how’ to do it. As a Christian non-profit organization, it is important to us to work in partnership with already existing Christian ministries in trying to answer this question. Our understanding of revival labors in the nations is to work with already existing ministries (and not in isolation). We believe that as student missionaries, we will not be able to achieve this vision alone even as we develop our careers, hence the need to submit and work with existing Christian ministries around the world.
The Moscow Good News Church, Moscow - You Can Make It Your Worship/Mission Center While in Moscow
To all our Open Doors Olympiad Scholarship Winners and Winners of Other Scholarships in Russia, we earlier posted about our partnership with The Moscow Good News Church where you will find the International Connection Fellowship (ICF MGNC) too.
New Life Research Foundation Co-heirs in Revival Labors in the Nations
To ALL our 100s of Scholarship Winners, our NELIREF Mission Challenge and Scholars’ Interaction will be coming up soon
New Life Research Foundation Scholarship Winners Form (For Scholarship Winners through our Platforms from 2017 to Date)
Did you win a scholarship through the help of our platforms and those of our partners from 2017 to date? As we look forward for a great year such as revival work in the nations and our Pioneer Research Cohort, we're counting on the contributions of our members and being a scholarship winner through our platform, we feel that you are an integral part of great things that will be happening in New Life Research Foundation this year and beyond
Congratulations to brother Victor Ajumobi for Securing a PhD Scholarship in the UK🎉🎊🎈🥰
I secured a PhD scholarship in London through the platform, including a full fee waiver and assistance with visa fees.
My Scholarship Story/Journey by Shadrach Nengenen Mbativga
My scholarship journey started in the year 2019 after meeting with Dr. Samuel Ogbara who had recently completed his Ph.D. from Malaysia on a scholarship. He urged me to consider applying for scholarships for my advanced degree. One of my immediate reactions was “Well sir, that sounds great but I am not sure I have someone to facilitate or influence my chances of a winning a scholarship”. I said this with an old-time notion that one must have a political relative or a friend to one to be able to win a scholarship from Nigeria to study abroad. Dr. Ogbara immediately dismissed that notion and made me to understand I could win multiple scholarships without any politician or even passing through the Nigeria government.
Congratulations for Securing a Scholarship in the U.S brother🥰🎉🎊 US
“Hello, Good morning here from Nigeria, I have been given Full Standing Graduate Assistantship with Tennessee Tech University USA in MS Mathematics. Thanks for always standing with us.” He asked us to share this to encourage others. He is also a recipient of Open Doors Olympiad Scholarships in multiple subject areas. Pick opportunities shared on our platforms and apply for them. Congratulations once more brother!🎁
How to Get 100% Financial Aid on Coursera and Acquire Skills for Free with Certificates
"Hello bro ......., I got financial aid application approval for the following courses on Coursera; Data Analysis with R Programming, Hands-on Introduction to Linux Commands and Shell Scripting, Machine Learning, Python for Data Science, AI & Development, Geospatial and Environmental Analysis." This person applied for this on 15th September and it took exactly 15 days for Coursera to waive her 100% fee, she will be issued certificates after completing these courses, you can do same.
Can I Get an Overseas Scholarship as a Married Person? Is Marriage a Hindrance?
Do you know that foreign scholarships are not only for singles?, there are so many scholarships today that covers spouse and child allowance, Visa support is also given to your spouse and children. Does it mean now that you are married, you have buried your dreams of studying oversea and fulfilling those goals you once set? you can keep that dream alive and plan with your spouse. You can study in the UK, US, Canada, Africa, Australia, Asia, Europe and in any part of the world as a married person
New Life Research Foundation Data Science & Artificial Intelligence Symposium Materials: From our Training Officer’s Desk
Our Team at NELIREF decided to make about 60% of the materials for this training freely available to our members. You will have full access to ALL materials during the training at a later date
General Required Documents for Undergraduate (Bachelor's) Scholarship Applications
For those applying for Bachelor's to study overseas, you need the following documents
Python Development is a highly in-demand and well-paying job in the tech industry
If you're looking to become an excellent Python Developer, here's a roadmap that includes various online resources.
Python Development is a highly in-demand and well-paying job in the tech industry
Learn Python, R & SQL Programming, Bioinformatics, Genomics & Omics/Multiomics, Advanced Genetics, Biotechnology, Bash Scripting, Biostatistics, Statistics and Probability, Machine Learning, Artificial Intelligence, Large Language Models, LangChain, ChatGPT/ChatGPT Plus (4), etc @everyone, we carefully compiled these materials for those who willl be starting their studies soon, you can also find them useful for self-studying
CV templates, SOPs, TOEFL, GRE, IELTS materials, etc
Necessary materials that might be useful for you: CV templates, SOPs, TOEFL, GRE, IELTS materials, etc
Be Real in your statement of purpose
Do not copy someone's statement of purpose while writing to potential PhD supervisors, while you can get insights on themes to cover in your statement of purpose, endeavor to bring out your writing prowess; be real, don't copy someone's successes. Your success story is unique to you and you have the capacity to write it in your own words. Avoid inferiority complex. Show your passion in your SOP, this is the most important aspect, every Professor wants to see your passion (curiosity to research).
Why You Need Adequate Preparation Before Applying for Overseas Scholarships
One of the common mistakes made by oversea scholarship applicants is inadequate preparation in gathering ALL required documents. The most important phase of your oversea scholarship pursuit is the phase of preparing your documents. This phase comes between May to August. Majority of scholarship applications starts from September to April (with exception of some scholarships, especially PhD and Postdoctoral scholarships). The outcome of your scholarship application largely depends on this phase. One of the reasons why you keep getting rejections may be due to inadequate preparation in gathering ALL the required documents.
New Life Research Foundation Talent Acquisition
To all our members graduating from U.S🇺🇸 institutions. If you have graduated from a U.S institution & on OPT or similar, you can volunteer with us to avoid accumulating days of unemployment or months of unemployment on your resume. New Life Research Foundation is compliant with both the Federal and Georgia labor laws and regulations
Statement of Purpose (SOP) Samples for Almost All Disciplines (Courses) as compiled by Studential
Free Data Analytics Course
Save 1000s of dollars. Seize this incredible opportunity! Bookmark this page and dive into my curated 90 days curriculum. Eager to learn Data Analytics? Discover an all-inclusive Data Analytics course tailored just for you - at no cost!
Free lessons to get you interview-ready and move ahead of 90% of people.
Immerse yourself in top-notch tutorials, engaging projects, polished resumes, impressive portfolios, and valuable virtual internship opportunities – all meticulously crafted to hone your skillset
If a school asks for a 4.0 as a requirement and your CGPA grade scale is 5.0 or a percentage, use the link below to convert it to 4.0
LaTex Tutorial for Academic Paper Writing, a must watch for all students, teachers and researchers
Some Common Interview Questions & Answers that you may Encounter During a Scholarship Interview
While the specific interview questions can vary depending on the scholarship provider and the nature of the scholarship, here are some common interview questions and answers that you may encounter during a scholarship interview
Steps to Follow while sending Cold Emails to Professors for Graduate Positions in their Lab
When sending a cold email to a professor asking for a graduate position in their lab, it's important to be professional, concise and respectful
Baby Steps to Securing scholarships Overseas
Here are baby steps and secrets to help you secure a scholarship that many scholarship applicants may not be aware of.
Steps to Follow while sending Cold Emails to Professors for Graduate Positions in their Lab
When sending a cold email to a professor asking for a graduate position in their lab, it's important to be professional, concise, and respectful
Python Development is a highly in-demand and well-paying job in the tech industry
Learn Python, R & SQL Programming, Bioinformatics, Genomics & Omics/Multiomics, Advanced Genetics, Biotechnology, Bash Scripting, Biostatistics, Statistics and Probability, Machine Learning, Artificial Intelligence, Large Language Models, LangChain, ChatGPT/ChatGPT Plus (4), etc @everyone, we carefully compiled these materials for those who willl be starting their studies soon, you can also find them useful for self-studying
CV templates, SOPs, TOEFL, GRE, IELTS materials, etc
Necessary materials that might be useful for you: CV templates, SOPs, TOEFL, GRE, IELTS materials, etc
Be Real in your statement of purpose
Do not copy someone's statement of purpose while writing to potential PhD supervisors, while you can get insights on themes to cover in your statement of purpose, endeavor to bring out your writing prowess; be real, don't copy someone's successes. Your success story is unique to you and you have the capacity to write it in your own words. Avoid inferiority complex. Show your passion in your SOP, this is the most important aspect, every Professor wants to see your passion (curiosity to research).
Why You Need Adequate Preparation Before Applying for Overseas Scholarships
One of the common mistakes made by oversea scholarship applicants is inadequate preparation in gathering ALL required documents. The most important phase of your oversea scholarship pursuit is the phase of preparing your documents. This phase comes between May to August. Majority of scholarship applications starts from September to April (with exception of some scholarships, especially PhD and Postdoctoral scholarships). The outcome of your scholarship application largely depends on this phase. One of the reasons why you keep getting rejections may be due to inadequate preparation in gathering ALL the required documents.
New Life Research Foundation Talent Acquisition
To all our members graduating from U.S🇺🇸 institutions. If you have graduated from a U.S institution & on OPT or similar, you can volunteer with us to avoid accumulating days of unemployment or months of unemployment on your resume. New Life Research Foundation is compliant with both the Federal and Georgia labor laws and regulations
Statement of Purpose (SOP) Samples for Almost All Disciplines (Courses) as compiled by Studential
Free Data Analytics Course
Save 1000s of dollars. Seize this incredible opportunity! Bookmark this page and dive into my curated 90 days curriculum. Eager to learn Data Analytics? Discover an all-inclusive Data Analytics course tailored just for you - at no cost!
Free lessons to get you interview-ready and move ahead of 90% of people.
Immerse yourself in top-notch tutorials, engaging projects, polished resumes, impressive portfolios, and valuable virtual internship opportunities – all meticulously crafted to hone your skillset
If a school asks for a 4.0 as a requirement and your CGPA grade scale is 5.0 or a percentage, use the link below to convert it to 4.0
LaTex Tutorial for Academic Paper Writing, a must watch for all students, teachers and researchers
Some Common Interview Questions & Answers that you may Encounter During a Scholarship Interview
While the specific interview questions can vary depending on the scholarship provider and the nature of the scholarship, here are some common interview questions and answers that you may encounter during a scholarship interview
Steps to Follow while sending Cold Emails to Professors for Graduate Positions in their Lab
When sending a cold email to a professor asking for a graduate position in their lab, it's important to be professional, concise and respectful
Baby Steps to Securing scholarships Overseas
Here are baby steps and secrets to help you secure a scholarship that many scholarship applicants may not be aware of.
Steps to Follow while sending Cold Emails to Professors for Graduate Positions in their Lab
When sending a cold email to a professor asking for a graduate position in their lab, it's important to be professional, concise, and respectful
100+ Wildlife and Fisheries Sciences, Environmental Science, Ecology and Biology Graduate Opportunities in US and other parts of the world
50+ MS & PhD Positions in Environmental Science, Biology, Forestry, Fisheries, Ecology, Plant Science, Agronomy, etc in the United States
Here are baby steps and secrets to help you secure a scholarship that many scholarship applicants may not be aware of.
Steps to Follow while sending Cold Emails to Professors for Graduate Positions in their Lab
This link contains over 1450 programs (MS/MPH & Ph.D.) in Public Health, Epidemiology, Biostatistics, Global Health, Tropical Medicine & other health sciences waiving GRE & providing Fully-funded Scholarships in the USA
Over 2000 Master's, PhD & Postdoctoral Opportunities in Europe, Australia, and North America
New Life Research Foundation (NELIREF) 2023 Annual Conference: Call for Abstract Submissions
You are invited to submit an abstract for the maiden edition of the New Life Research Foundation (NELIREF) Annual Conference, a prestigious virtual event that will take place on the 18th -19th of August 2023. The conference aims to bring together researchers, scientists, academics, and practitioners from various disciplines, thus this is an excellent opportunity to share your latest research findings, innovative ideas, and insights with an international audience of professionals and experts. For this maiden event, we are receiving abstracts from the disciplines of Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM) with the purpose of exchanging knowledge, sharing insights, expanding scientific perspectives, and fostering collaborations in cutting-edge research and innovation. Other disciplines will be included in our next conference
First New Life Research Foundation Annual Conference 2023 with the Theme - God’s Battle Axes in the Nations: Harnessing the Power of Sustainable Research, Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence